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Components and Maintainers


This page lists individuals of interest in the Velox community, as described in the Technical Governance Mechanics page. It is meant to be used by contributors and other stakeholders as a blueprint to find individuals responsible for different aspects of the project and codebase.

Maintainership status is lagging, not leading, and it is only acquired through active participation and demonstration of skills and domain-specific knowledge. All individuals listed in this page are expected to uphold Velox’s mission, design philosophy, and principles.

Project Leadership Council - PLC

The PLC is reponsible for the long-term directional leadership of the project:

Component Maintainers

Component maintainers are responsible for triaging, reviewing, and approving pull requests concerning the component. They also maintain, enhance, and advocate for improvements in component design, tests, CI health, and developer documentation.

Before working on a new feature or optimization, please review our guide and initiate a discussion on Github with the people listed as maintainers of that component.

Vectors, Types, Arrow Bindings:

Expression Evaluation


Presto Functions

Spark Functions

Memory Management

IO, Cache, Hive connector, and File reader/writers


ORC, DWRF, and Nimble

Storage Adapters (S3/HDFS/GCS/ABFS)

Builds and CI

Fuzzers and Test Frameworks