A Velox Primer, Part 2
In this article, we will discuss how a distributed compute engine executes a query similar to the one presented in our first article:
SELECT l_partkey, count(*) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_partkey;
We use the TPC-H schema to illustrate the example, and Prestissimo as the compute engine orchestrating distributed query execution. Prestissimo is responsible for the query engine frontend (parsing, resolving metadata, planning, optimizing) and distributed execution (allocating resources and shipping query fragments), and Velox is responsible for the execution of plan fragments within a single worker node. Throughout this article, we will present which functions are performed by Velox and which by the distributed engine - Prestissimo, in this example.
Query Setup
Prestissimo first receives the query through a coordinator node, which is responsible for parsing and planning the query. For our sample query, a distributed query plan with three query fragments will be created:
- The first fragment reads the l_partkey column from the lineitem table and divides its output according to a hash of l_partkey.
- The second fragment reads the output from the first fragment and updates a hash table from l_partkey containing the number of times the particular value of l_partkey has been seen (the count(*) aggregate function implementation).
- The final fragment then reads the content of the hash tables, once the second fragment has received all the rows from the first fragment.

The shuffle between the two first fragments partitions the data according to l_partkey. Suppose there are 100 instances of the second fragment. If the hash of l_partkey modulo 100 is 0, the row goes to the first task in the second stage; if it is 1, the row goes to the second task, and so forth. In this way, each second stage Task gets a distinct subset of the rows. The shuffle between the second and third stage is a gather, meaning that there is one Task in the third stage that will read the output of all 100 tasks in the second stage.
A Stage is the set of Tasks that share the same plan fragment. A Task is the main integration point between Prestissimo and Velox; it’s the Velox execution instance that physically processes all or part of the data that passes through the stage.
To set up the distributed execution, Prestissimo first selects the workers from the pool of Prestissimo server processes it manages. Assuming that stage 1 is 10 workers wide, it selects 10 server processes and sends the first stage plan to them. It then selects 100 workers for stage 2 and sends the second stage plan to these. The last stage that gathers the result has only one worker, so Prestissimo sends the final plan to only one worker. The set of workers for each stage may overlap, so a single worker process may host multiple stages of one query.
Let's now look more closely at what each worker does at query setup time.
Task Setup
In Prestissimo, the message that sets up a Task in a worker is called Task Update. A Task Update has the following information: the plan, configuration settings, and an optional list of splits. Splits are further qualified by what plan node they are intended for, and whether more splits for the recipient plan node and split group will be coming.
Since split generation involves enumerating files from storage (so they may take a while), Presto allows splits to be sent to workers asynchronously, such that the generation of splits can run in parallel with the execution of the first splits. Therefore, the first task update specifies the plan and the config. Subsequent ones only add more splits.
Besides the plan, the coordinator provides configs as maps from string key to
string value, both top level and connector level. The connector configs have
settings for each connector; connectors are used by table scan and table writer
to deal with storage and file formats. These configs and other information,
like thread pools, top level memory pool etc. are handed to the Task in a
QueryCtx object. See velox/core/QueryCtx.h
in the Velox repo for details.
From Plans to Drivers and Operators
Once the Velox Task is created, a TaskManager hands it splits to work on. This
is done with Task::addSplit()
, and can be done after the Task has started
executing. See velox/exec/Task.h
for details.
Let's zoom into what happens at Task creation: A PlanNode tree specifying what
the Task does is given to the Task as part of a PlanFragment. The most
important step done at Task creation is splitting the plan tree into pipelines.
Each pipeline then gets a DriverFactory, which is the factory class that makes
Drivers for the pipeline. The Drivers, in their turn, contain the Operators
that do the work of running the query. The DriverFactories are made in
LocalPlanner.cpp. See LocalPlanner::plan
for details.

Following the execution model known as Volcano, the plan is represented by an operator tree where each node consumes the output of its child operators, and returns output to the parent operator. The root node is typically a PartitionedOutputNode or a TableWriteNode. The leaf nodes are either TableScanNode, ExchangeNode or ValuesNode (used for query literals). The full set of Velox PlanNode can be found at velox/core/PlanNode.h.
The PlanNodes mostly correspond to Operators. PlanNodes are not executable as such; they are only a structure describing how to make Drivers and Operators, which do the actual execution. If the tree of nodes has a single branch, then the plan is a single pipeline. If it has nodes with more than one child (input), then the second input of the node becomes a separate pipeline.
creates the DriverFactories, which then create the Drivers. To
start execution, the Drivers are queued on a thread pool executor. The main
function that runs Operators is Driver::runInternal()
. See this function for
the details of how Operators and the Driver interface: Operator::isBlocked()
determines if the Driver can advance. If it cannot, it goes off thread until a
future is realized, which then puts it back on the executor.
getOutput() retrieves data from an Operator and addInputs() feeds data into another Operator. The order of execution is to advance the last Operator which can produce output and then feed this to the next Operator. if an Operator cannot produce output, then getOutput() is called on the Operator before it until one is found that can produce data. If no operator is blocked and no Operator can produce output, then the plan is at end. The noMoreInput() method is called on each operator. This can unblock production of results, for example, an OrderBy can only produce its output after it knows that it has all the input.
The Minimal Pipeline: Table Scan and Repartitioning
Table Scan. With the table scan stage of our sample query, we have one pipeline
with two operators: TableScan and PartitionedOutput. Assume this pipeline has
five Drivers, and that all these five Drivers go on the thread pool executor.
The PartitionedOutput cannot do anything because it has no input. The
TableScan::getOutput() is then called. See velox/exec/TableScan.cpp
details. The first action TableScan takes is to look for a Split with
task::getSplitOrFuture(). If there is no split available, this returns a
future. The Driver will then park itself off thread and install a callback on
the future that will reschedule the Driver when a split is available.
It could also be the case that there is no split and the Task has been notified that no more splits will be coming. In this case TableScan would be at the end. Finally, if a Split is available, TableScan interprets it. Given a TableHandle specification provided as part of the plan (list of columns and filters), the Connector (as specified in the Split) makes a DataSource. The DataSource handles the details of IO and file and table formats.
The DataSource is then given the split. After this, DataSource::next() can be called repeatedly to get vectors (batches) of output from the file/section of file specified by the Split. If the DataSource is at the end, TableScan looks for the next split. See Connector.h for the Connector and DataSource interfaces.
Repartitioning. Now we have traced execution up to the TableScan returning its first batch of output. The Driver feeds this to PartitionedOutput::addInput(). See PartitionedOutput.cpp for details. PartitionedOutput first calculates a hash on the partitioning key, in this case, l_partkey, producing a destination number for each row in the batch RowVectorPtr input_.
Each destination has a partly filled serialization buffer (VectorStreamGroup) for each destination worker. If there are 100 Tasks in the second stage, each PartitionedOutput has 100 destinations, each with one VectorStreamGroup. The main function of a VectorStreamGroup is append(), which takes a RowVectorPtr and a set of row numbers in it. It serializes each value identified by the row numbers and adds it to the partly formed serialization. When enough rows are accumulated in the VectorStreamGroup, it produces a SerializedPage. See flush() in PartitionedOutput.cpp.
The SerializedPage is a self contained serialized packet of information that can be transmitted over the wire to the next stage. Each such page only contains rows intended for the same recipient. These pages are then queued up in the worker process' OutputBufferManager. Note the code with BlockingReason in flush(). The buffer manager maintains separate queues of all consumers of all Tasks. If a queue is full, adding output may block. This returns a future that is realized when there is space to add more data to the queue. This depends on when the Task's consumer Task fetches the data.
Shuffles in Prestissimo are implemented by PartitionedOutput at the producer and Exchange at the consumer end. The OutputBufferManager keeps ready serialized data for consumers to pick up. The binding of these to the Presto wire protocols is in TaskManager.cpp for the producer side, and in PrestoExchangeSource.cpp for the consumer side.
We presented how a plan becomes executable and how data moves between and inside Operators. We discussed that a Driver can block (go off thread) to wait for a Split to become available, or to wait for its output to be consumed. We have now scratched the surface of running a leaf stage of a distributed query. There is much more to Operators and vectors, though. In the next installment of Velox Primer, we will look at what the second stage of our minimal sample query does.